"Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle."
- Eric Zorn
As it is time for a new year, I, as do many others, feel the need to reflect upon the passing year, life choices, events, and make an attempt to change something that would make life or the surrounding world a "tinsy" bit better. As a kid, I thought new year resolutions were something that everyone did in the new year.
Little did I know, with everything positive or negative thing, comes something or someone that is against it.
Hence the title, New Year's Resolution-Hater. A resolution is defined as "a firm decision to do or not to do something." A Hater. . . is "a person who hates." So one can conclude that a New Year's Resolution Hater is a person who hates firm decisions to do or not to do something for the new year. This should already sound a little bit absurd.
I don't understand if people generally hate when people make decisions to change their lives or is it the fact that people hat that other people wait for a time that is symbolically important to them to make those changes. Who really knows? My issue with this "hate/frustration, etc" is that, as humans, this is something that we all do.
I don't know many people who don't look at major events in their lives as moments to grow or change from. It seems to me that someone who is genuinely aiming to grow, will at some point grow. Either in the fact that they have obtained what they were reaching for or. . . that that they know their limitations from failure.
All-in-all, It's a lot better than the people that are always stuck because they never find that special day, person, or any other motive to spark moment in their lives. #imjustsaying. Why be a killjoy?
I support dreams and change for the better in any resolution.
So make your resolution on new year's day or July 1st, either way, the point is that you have an intent to do something and the hope that you'll be successful. I think that wins over "Haters" any day.