I am the aunt of two beautiful children, both a niece and a nephew. I love both children, have a million pictures and videos of both, but one I see more often than the other. Why? Well, my relationship with my nephew's mother is a little "estranged" to say the least. We don't really have the type of relationship where we can call each other and actually arrange these meetings.
The other thing is that my nephew is a 6 (going on 7) year old boy, who loves sports, destruction and boy-things. I feel like I can't always entertain him, so I usually see him when he is over my aunt's with her son who is the same age. But, every time I see him, I give him a million kisses and hugs.
With my niece it's a little different. She's a few months over a year and she is a hand-full. My relationship with her mother is different. She will text me whenever she needs a baby-sitter and if I can keep her, then I always do. She's not easy either. She has fits, screams when she doesn't get her way, and is a busy-body, but all the things that I got to be apart of with her older brother, I try to be apart of in her life.
The issue? I can't post anything about my niece without my nephew's mother posting something about our WHOLE family not caring about her son. This is after birthday parties, baby-sitting, diaper-changing, etc. I really don't get it. I think the worst part is that I want to see my nephew more but I don't know how to deal with her. She never says anything to me. . . she just posts things and keeps it moving.
The last time, we had an issue like this I sent her a message with my number, that she has never used. What am I suppose to do? Needless to say, I'm over it. I love my nephew and will continue to see him when my aunt has him but I don't think I can deal with the extra drama anymore. It's too much. I didn't lay down and have him, nor did anyone talk to me about how they feel so why do I have to see someone talk shit on social media networks.
On top of that, we're all adults here dealing with a child-sensitive issue. I don't want to hurt my nephew. I want him to be happy, have the best future, and all that, just as I want for my niece and just like I want for my own children one day. I don't feel like I should have to defend that, or worry about how often I see one child over the other.
I don't know. Even worse, I don't want someone telling my nephew or niece that I don't love them because of how many times I baby-sit them, Facebook posts or statuses. That's just ridiculous to me. I hope that my niece's mother doesn't feel the same way when her daughter is older, and I have a full-time job and a family of my own.
Anywho. . . Feel free to share your feelings, wisdom, and/or advice because this sitch is well-over-done in my opinion.
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