Okay, don't get mad but. . . this is just real talk ;)
Coming from a woman that knows and loves a million great, handsome, and wonderfully "nice" guys; I have to tell you, I completely understand why good girls like bad boys. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to have another relationship with a guy that doesn't appreciate the woman that I am. At the same time, I don't have the rest of my life to wait on the good guy to make "the move". So I present to you, my pros and cons: Why good girls like "Bad boys"!
The "Bad Boy"
The Up-side: This guy is usually fine by your standards, even if no one else seems to think so. This man can talk a good game and is very persistent. From the moment he sees you, he knows what he wants and is determined to get it. When you're with him, He has an energy about him, that draws you in and makes you feel like you're the only woman in the world for him. This guy usually has that "one thing" that draws you to him, that you feel no other man can do. He exudes passion.
The Down-side: His intentions are usually NOT GOOD. . . At all. He is usually so very obviously not good for you that you become his only advocate for life and the relationship. This guy usually has some type of psychosis, whether he is overly neurotic or bi-polar. It doesn't take long to realize that he's not 100% there. He also either wants you to be over committed or under committed; always something extreme and oddly balanced.
This guy always has one permeable flaw that is the cause for the break-up(s) or "lack of ability to flow"(I.e. Girls, Girlfriend, an Aversion to being overly physical, Emotional abusive, etc.). Yet, this one flaw is equivalent to poison and sometimes one works faster than others.
The "Nice Guy"
The Up-side: This guys is usually very sweet, considerate, and comes into your life with the intention and strong desire to be there for you. He will listen to you, wash you hair, and have massages waiting for you, when you get home. This man is usually honest, devoted, and genuine. The perfect boyfriend to run and tell your friend all about. He usually has the tendency to want a greater position in your life, whether he is a friend that wants to be the boyfriend or the boyfriend that wants to be the the husband. In general, He is ideal.
The Down-side: Sometimes, he is SO perfect and SO considerate that he ends up being the exact opposite of all that he aims to be. He ends up being stuck in the "friend zone" because he never really makes "the move". For women that like a little friendly aggression or the thrill of the chase; He is the epitome of a no deal. Being a gentlemen is great, but being passive or a push-over is uninteresting. Some nice guys have everything going for them but no "Je ne sais quoi"; no "that thing" that makes them attractive.
They can also sometimes be a little too emotional. Guys please don't take this the wrong way but there are levels to emotions and sometimes nice guys like to have "the feeling" talk a little too often.
So, why does this cause "Bad Guys" to win the race and "Nice Guys" to finish last?
Well, that's easy. Nice guys are always complaining that girls rather have the bad guy. Somehow, we'd rather be treated poorly and be left with a broken heart. Wrong! The truth of the matter is that "Nice Guys" finish last because they just don't seem to know how to get out of the gate. Most nice guys I know are continuously waiting, not stepping up to the plate to state their interest, or obsessing about something related to themselves or the relationship. There is no drive and no focus on the matter at hand. Most nice guys call it being "respectful," when in actuality, a lot of them are just scared to make the move. As intuitive as women may be, we can't always read the signs of generosity as "I want to be with you."
Another big reason that women tend to end up with the"Bad Boy" is that nice guys are not with out their flaws either. Honestly, there are a lot of "nice guys" that are not so nice, they are socially awkward, extremely picky, clingy, or have issues with communication. Sometimes, nice guys break hearts, too, and while they may be one girls "Nice Guy", they are another woman's "Bad Boy."
In most cases, "Bad Boys" will continue to win at love and war because they will make the moves that will capture the woman's heart before the nice guy realizes that he has the ability to get her or that speaking up and being direct, does NOT make him a bad person.
As a woman who is tired of the bad boys, I'm writing this because I want the nice guys to step it up a notch. I'm tired of having to give up on the nice guy because he just can't seem to get it together or he never just makes it happen. Honestly, sometimes I feel like "Bad Boys" will pursue while, "Nice Guys" have to be pursued. Ideally, I think the two can learn a lot from each other to be the ultimate catch. A man who knows what he wants, goes after it, and has that thing about him; Yet is very respectful, willing to commit, and has good intentions. . . Now, That is a deadly combination!
Used to be a question of mine, Nd u killed it! Hard to find that balance w/o being too nice/bad for me
ReplyDeleteI'd like to add that the nice guys also make it too easy. I like to chase a little and nice guys are too available, they'll do everything for you and you can almost walk all over them. I always get the nice guy. The bad guys that can't be tamed rev my engine though. I love the chase and I just won't take no for an answer which keeps me going for them. Every girl wants to be able to say that she was the one that turned a bad guy into a good guy at least I do.