It’s not that I THINK I know everything, I totally know everything.
But seriously, I don’t really know EVERYTHING and I don’t think it’s a fair claim to make. If I thought I knew everything I wouldn’t be an advocate of higher education, life lessons, nor would I want to travel around the world. All of those things would be pointless if I contained this vast sea of information that made me undisputable. Come on guys, seriously!?
I think it all comes down to the fact that I’m a challenging person to be in a relationship with, whether it be friendship, daughter, or boo thang. In the beginning or as long as the relationship stays relatively shallow and superficial, I come off as easy-going, kind, and ready to listen. In the inner-workings of me . . . It’s not so simple.
In general, It’s not easy loving a woman like me.
I am emotional, moody, argumentative, prideful, head strong, and needy. I can be selfish, cold-hearted, vengeful, and rebellious. Sometimes I just want to be alone and other times I want to be surrounded by the people that matter to me the most. That’s just who I am.
And as I get older, I realize that that’s okay. It’s okay to be imperfect because it’s a part of what makes you perfect to God and all the other people that learn to love you. It’s okay because if you didn’t have anything to work towards then you would be boring and wouldn’t have anything to do or learn, so that you could teach people from your own life experiences. It okay because it’s what make you, you.
Situations like these just remind me that I’m flawed, in a good way. I have my blemishes but I’m a work in progress.