“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”
Okay Ladies & Gentlemen, here is a lesson on the inner workings of me. Not that you all have to care or anything but just in case you do. . . Here goes it! Time is one of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS to me on this planet. Seems weird to find such value in something that we all -- me included-- take for granted. . . but I do.
The reason why I think time is so freaking awesome is because everything happens in time, everyone knows about time, but no one can really completely harness the idea. Por Ejemplo, we have hours and minutes and days, but they are all human constructs, which don't really mean anything to anyone but us. Just another way that we human beings seem to set out to control the things that we really have no control over.
The mysteries of time, like the idea of other dimensions or different levels of aging and the history of the world, earth, universe; are all very cool to think about but in it's simplest form time has it's ups and downs. One being that, you never know what you will be allowed to do with your time or when you time is up. . . which leads to one of my biggest PEEVES.
Wasting my time.
I hate when people waste my time. I may be a little bit of a control freak but it seems like for every second that someone delays in my plans. . . a piece of my love for them dies. Call me extreme, but I don't like waiting for people who don't seem to care that thier delays cause inconveniences in the lives of others.
I think I feel so strongly about this because I know that usually when I'm late, it's because I: a. procrastinated or b. Didn't care. It could also be that my family is late to everything, like literally, everything. It's very rare that I am trying very hard to get somewhere on time and I'm still late; therefore, tardiness can be a sign of poor planning or disinterest.
On the flip side, they're are the time managers. People that always have a suggestion for what you should do with your time, life. . . day; overall, they are annoying. I feel like when I ask for advice, the sentence usually goes like, "I really have no idea what to do. . ." I really don't need a suggestion for every part of my life because some of it. . .I've thought about.
Regardless, Time is a terrible thing to waste, so pay attention to where your time goes. Don't give all your time to things that don't contribute to something positive in your life. At the same time, Don't forget to stop and smell the roses. One can over plan.
Just remember to be mindful of how important your time is, so not to look back on life and think that you wasted it.
Ok. . . I'm done. Back to life, I go!
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