This weekend, a large part of my focus was getting out of the house. Normally, this wouldn't be a real issue but I let a friend borrow my car because I didn't have any distinct plans. . . and as soon as my car was gone, I IMMEDIATELY felt trapped. So. . . began the calls. Some people came through, others did not, but at the very end of it all: I enjoyed my weekend.
This weekend was unique in the amount of free time I had and not unique in the amount of people that were around. That was because no one was really around. Which at one point was a big deal, but now. . .not so much. I kinda like being alone because I don't have to be effected by anyone. This can work for the better or worst, as will soon be explained.
So. . .When I finally did interact with people, I had some pleasant experiences and some negative ones. Obviously I'm not writing this to talk about the positive ones, so let's cut to the chase. As happy as I once was in my weekend, I found myself being boggled down by a lot of things that eventually caused me to run back into exile.
Although everything had their varying degrees, they all had one thing in common: Negativity. UGH! In fact, so irritating that the next time I'm feeling down, I'm going to lock myself in a closet until I get over it. This would be preferred over talking to someone and ruining their day or even worse. . . their entire lives! You think it's wnot that serious, but it is.
I mean from lackluster feelings about life in general, being impatient, or being overly critical about everything. . . you can really change the way a person feels, looks, or deals with you and it's usually not good. I think everyone has come across that one person at some point in life that is ALWAYS having a bad day. That one person that other people avoid. That person who has contributed greatly to their own demise by being a little too unhappy, a little too frequently. At some point, you just need to seek help. Seriously.
Lastly, to the over-critical. When you critique people, people automatically critique you. Whether they are your friends, family, or acquaintances. . .it does happen. Always talking about what someone is wearing, looks like, hangs with, or talks about, just makes people entirely too involved in what you're doing. And unless you are perfect. . . this is not a good thing. My only advice to these people is to get ALL OF YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW before you start being that person that ALWAYS has something negative to say about somebody else. That way, when people look at you, you won't loose friends for being hypocritical. . . because you'll be perfect.
The end all, say all: Life is depressing enough without you adding your two cents of negativity ALL THE TIME. Think positive! Everyone has moments and everyone should have someone to talk to, but realize when enough is enough and Learn to take the lemons with the lemonade.
Think.Happy.Thoughts. :)
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