"Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Groupie Love??

Did you know that if you take a picture with your phone. . . of you. . . and a famous (Male) person then this song (above) will play in your man's head?
I'm just going to say that this situation is hypothetical. . .{^_^} and that it happened to no one that I know. . . (0_0). . . not even me {O_o}. So. . . what had happened (or not happened) was. . .

There was this random girl that will remain nameless for the security of her relationship that decided to go out one night. She was looking FINE, I might add, which is far from the point BUT a true statement, nonetheless. She was hanging out with some friends and co-workers when someone told her that there was a famous rapper in the building. Not knowing much about him, she turned to look and after taking note of the rapper she thought, "I should share this with my boyfriend."

Her first way of sharing this news was to send a text that said "Hey, guess who's here?" The artist moved throughout the club as people took pictures with him but she didn't really know if she wanted to do all that. She really just wanted her boyfriend to know that she saw the guy, so she waited. . . and waited for a while. When her boyfriend didn't respond, she thought if she took a picture then she would have proof and could send it to him in a text. So, she did. Once she did that, she thought, "What the heck, I might as well twit-pic this pic too."

No harm, no foul? WRONG.

So to this beautiful, wonderfully harmless girl's dismay, her loving, kind-hearted, and handsome boyfriend told her, "Don't send me a picture of you and another guy ever again." This was followed by a reference to this song. Confused, the girl chalked it up to jealousy and went on about her day. Unfortunately, she received a call later, divulging how not only did her boyfriend have an issue with this. . . but a friend saw the twit pic and questioned him about it. This led to a discussion at work, where all the men agreed that she was trife.

UMMM. . . WHAT!?

When did a picture with a famous person become groupie love?? I thought groupie love was groupie love.

Help me people. Help me understand.

1 comment:

  1. *le sigh* why would this oh so beautiful, wonderfully harmless girl be "trife" if all she did was take a picture? It's not like she ended up in bed with the guy...Big. eff'n. deal. o_O
