I’m not going to lie . . . this love thing is not easy. As I edge towards 6 months in my new found relationship, it seems like everything that was once cute or funny is no longer cute nor funny. I have always said that I like the beginning of relationships better than any other part because it seems like that’s the part that is as you imagined, when you’re single and praying to God that he sends you the man of your dreams. Then you get him and 6 months later, you’re wondering if this was really what you signed up for. This is where I am. Maybe I’m allergic to compromise and all the things you need to have a successful relationship but when things get tough. . . I always wonder if I should get going.
It seems like after a certain time of dealing with someone day in and day out you start to have to deal with everything. You, them, your family, their family, your friends, their friends and the list goes on. . . and on. . . and on. It’s tiring. Even if you just had to deal with that person, dealing with myself is hard, so how does anyone expect me to deal with someone else.
I should be banned from relationships!?
At the same time, 6 months is usually when you decide to stick it out. If you make it past the 6 month itch while dealing with the issues head on, then not only is it very likely that you’ll make it BUT you have the ability to set yourself up for a great long-lasting relationship. That’s just a major IF for some people . . . some more than others.
I don’t know if this happens to everyone but it happens and is happening to me. Coupled with love is the willingness to conquer all obstacles that come your way . . . my questions is do I have what it takes to make it? With all the pain that I’ve been through with loves and loves lost, it just seems like to continue running into the same thing is a little intellectually challenged (If you know what I mean).
You also have to wonder what the other person, in the relationship with you, is thinking. Are they in it for the long haul, or are they ready to jump ship?
Honestly, I feel like this has more to do with my personal baggage than it has to do with my relationships. All-in-all, what I am learning is that love is patient, love is kind, and love is work. Rome wasn’t built in one day and neither is a successful relationship, so if it’s worth it keep trying. [Side not: This is definitely worth it.]
Sorry if this left you more confused than clear but this is real. . . but in being real, I can see the potential for greatness. Good things take work, and GREAT things take persistence, care, and time ;)
Live. Love. Laugh.
Think. Happy. Thoughts.
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