Raise your hand if you think that isn't true. Now keep your hands raised, so that I can slap them down. In this day and age, Love is unconventionally rogue, disrupting, relentless, and inescapable. . . but was it not always. Who designed the "laws of courtship" that make a distinction from the conventional to the Neo? Who wrote the instructions on how to find, reach, and capture love?
Some places believe that Love can be arranged. Parents pick your life partner, long before you even have a thought in the matter. In others, love is through royalty. You're love is restricted to people of noble blood, no matter how closely related. In others, Love is a financial contract to join families into a better life. These are just to name a few, but you get my drift. The laws of courtship have far less to do with right and wrong and way more to do with where you come from.
Where I come from, love is controlled and grown in an incubator called Tradition. You are always destined to one soul that is wandering in search of you, but will reach you because fate will guide you. Yet, you can't just jump right in all "willy nilly", they're are rules! You have to seek approval, court, seek more approval, pursue engagement (once approval is made, of course), then after long hard suffering and waiting you marry, then consummate that marriage, then have kids and live happily ever after.
As much as I silently submit to the previously stated path being THE WAY. I'm not sure if I can argue that this is the ONLY way. Many of these "new" ways of courtship from instant romance to non-traditional relationships are sometimes erupting into more long-lasting relationships than those more traditional relationships. This is by no means bashing traditional relationships, just creating the argument that if one does find themselves in Love, but didn't hit all the steps in the "appropriate" order, it may not mean a COMPLETE FAIL.
Maybe it just means you found a new way to Love. Just a thought.
Rule Breakers Anonymous.
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