5. . .4. . .3. . .2. . .1. . . Happy New Year!
"I would first like to thank God for my 24th year on this planet. I can't say that everyday has been the greatest, but I can say that I'm thankful for everyday that has passed and everyday in the future that is not promised. I love you first and foremost and I plan to show you more in this year, with your help of course."
This may be news to all of you but I LOVE NEW YEAR'S DAY! Call me what you want but I think any day that celebrates new beginnings, past blessings, and the appreciation of life is a great day. Some may argue that it is what we should do everyday, but we don't; Henceforth, the day.
One of the most negative things that I hear on New Year's is: "I don't know why people make New Year Resolutions when they are just going to fail." Well, excuse me, person who has never attempted to do anything and failed. Such is life. Not every one accomplishes the goals that they set out to accomplish in any start, whether it's New Year's Day or April 3rd, but point of the matter is the hope in trying. What kind of argument is it to say, "I'm just not going to try an do anything different so I won't be like those people?" Doesn't that make you the same as them, just minus the effort in trying?
In any rise, there is the hope that you will reach the top with the motivation, drive and effort to do so, and in any fall, there is that same hope with the absence of success, yet there is still a hope. The idea of the hopeful who aims high and reaches their goal versus the hopeless who sits and lets life happen is my motivation for this year. I would rather hope for something and find that there was nothing to hope for, than hope for nothing and find that I was wrong. I feel like faith, hope, and drive is the pathway to success and that's where I intend to go.
So, I encourage you to be hopeful that you, life, or your circumstances can great better, if you are not where you want to be, yet be grateful for what God has already done. Continue to try to grow and one day you'll look back and say, "Wow, look how far I've come!" Failure is not considered failure until you give up. We decide when something is over. So whether you're goal is to lose 20 pounds or stop smoking, you can do it!
For me this will be a year of personal and spiritual growth, two things that I may have to do alone most of the time but I truly hope will make me a better friend and support to someone else. I officially welcome you to "Grind Season 2011," don't forget to Eat: Indulge in life, Pray: Keep God first, and Love: Learn to love yourself so that you can effectively love the people around you.
Good Luck ;)
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