"Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, January 3, 2011

People Hurt People. . . Hurt

"Hurt People Hurt People" - them

We have all heard the saying "Hurt people hurt people," and normally I would agree, but for the sake of this blog I would like to address the contradiction to the idea that we must only look out for "Hurt people". I believe that just as a wounded dog will be more likely to attack out of fear, "Hurt people hurt people" out of a place of pain.

At the same time, I don't remember the requirement for hurting someone else, being that you had to first be hurt by someone else.

For instance, when a toddler begins to reach for different individuals in their family, they don't necessarily have to experience any type of hurt to choose one over the other. This is something simple and innocent, but it hurts sometimes. When you reach out for that child and they withdrawal, as if you are the last person in the world they'd want to be with, it can hurt. In efforts to redeem ourselves, we usually try hard to earn that child's affections; Yet, this little scenario doesn't quite fit the profile that it takes a hurt individual to hurt individuals. Is it possible that people hurt people, hurt, wounded or perfectly fine?

I think we want to find something wrong with a person when they hurt us but sometimes there is no one to blame but the order of the world. It really makes me wonder if, people were suppose to hurt others, like it was something ordained by the cosmos from the beginning of time. Is there some great lesson in being hurt by someone else?

I don't really know. I think you should learn from every experience in life just because it helps make us better people, at the same time, most people that are hurt by others vow to a life of solitude and swear off human contact. I don't think that's the way to go either.

At the end of life, I think I would like to be at the point where I understand that people hurt people, intentionally and unintentionally. Just like there is a good and bad side to me, there are different sides to other people. I can't take every hit to the heart and when it's all said and done, I should try to make a habit of learning who has enough good in them to stay in my life and who has enough bad to leave. This is a process no one can fault you for.

Learn your limits and accept the concept that some hurt comes with caring for another person, not just hurt people, but people people. It's a part of the process.

Live, Love, & Prosper. (Too much? Okay.)

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