The question of the century is not: "Will there ever be world peace?" but "Do men want what they can't have?"
Okay, maybe there are other questions that are more prevalent, but it is an interesting question nonetheless because it presents the statement: Men don't want what they can have. This could explain, cheating and infidelity, neglect, or any of the many issues women attribute to men. There are countless examples of this phenomena all over the media and in everyday life, but in an attempt to be thorough and brief, I'm going to just give two examples.
For the first case I present to you, one of the most beautiful women in the world and the inspiration for this blog, Halle Berry. How is it that most men will declare that Halle Berry is one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she is single and remains this way? Not only does she remain that way but she has been cheated on several times, has had at least two divorces, and has had more public break ups than most other mildly attractive actresses. So, what's really going on here?
As always, I must take into consideration that the problem could just be her, but if we also consider that most of the break ups have been attributed to her male counterparts being umfaithful, we have something to think about. How can the most common of women hope that a man will love them forever, when the most beautiful woman in the world can't have a long lasting relationship? I would hope that no one would base their love life on a star's dating history but I do think it's strange.
If that's too far of a reach, lets consider the other side. I have had several friends that have dated a girl they liked enough to date, live with, love even, but not forever. This revelation for the female has always been devastating, yet the male deems it fair because it's his desire. Does this mean that men are incapable of monogamy and commitment, or is it that men just want what they can have? My natural progression from this question would be, if Hally Berry was more accessible, would she still be considered one of the most beautiful women in the world?
I honestly don't think so. I think Halle Berry is beautiful, but I've seen beautiful women that loose their appeal because of their "accessibility." It seems like beauty is measured not only in the symmetry of an individual's face, but in their exclusivity, as well. Does that mean, as women, we should be less accessible to appeal more attractive? Umm. . .Yes and no.
I say 'yes' because I feel like women are beautiful, as a whole, and it is the most well kept secret since Jesus's birth in Nazareth. To keep it simple, women don't know their value and therefore men don't know. Women who have higher standards seem to give off a vibe that they are worth more, which limits their accessibility, making them more appealing. Hence, Halle Berry is the most beautiful woman in the world.
On the other hand, woman that don't understand their worth have a higher tendency to grant access to those that are not deserving. They tend to loose sight of what makes them beautiful and fall victim to the Halle Berry effect, which in this case, is being less desirable because of accessibility. Hence, when Halle Berry grants access to a man, they no longer see her as desirable and they look elsewhere.
Yet, I don't believe women should play 'Hard to get,' just to seem more appealing and avoid this phenomena. Men refer to this as 'Playing games,' which I would refer to as being manipulative. I believe women should hold themselves in high regards because they're worth, not for the purpose of 'catching' a man; Especially when the man is the one that looses interest. Hence, I still believe that Halle Berry is one of the most beautiful women in the world.
Honestly, I have no idea what I'm talking about, I just wanted to present an idea. I do believe that things are more desirable when we have less access to them, but I can't say this is applies to people, nor can I say that this applies to all men. All I can really say is that beauty is beauty and women should take pride in that. Women have the obligation to love themselves and wait to be with a man that is deserving of her.
Food for though.
I don’t know if you're right either but I love Halle Berry! lol but naw this is a good point. it’s like I tell some of my female friends. Men are primal hunters by nature, and with that come the need for a suitable challenge to prove our hunting capability. No lion wants the disease ridden antelope we want the strongest gazelle the one that causes us to work the hardest. We’ll pick off the weaker "meal" if we're hungry enough or bored but the fast sprinting gazelle with the largest antlers is the catch.
ReplyDeleteWow "disease ridden antelope" caught me a little off guard but the idea of a "suitable challenge" is a valid point. With that you are suggesting that there is exclusivity but not to the point where it is out of reach, just challenging. Thank you for your input!
ReplyDeleteI agree with this part of your blog: "Honestly, I have no idea what I'm talking about" he he he
ReplyDeleteThat's funny because you are one of the people that I was using as an example ;)