A couple of weeks ago, Steve Harvey was on the radio promoting his new book, "Straight Talk, No Chaser," on relationships. Who would have known?
Regardless, after reading the first chapter in his first book, "Think Like A Man, Act Like A Lady," I decided that I'm going to just disagree with everything he says. However true or untrue his opinion may or may not be. I just can't take anymore information on how different men and women are and how it will basically never work unless you adapt to some ridiculous "man thought". How about we write a book called, "Get On Our Level Losers."
I really don't want to come off as hostile but I don't understand why women are always being told the right way to catch a man, when the last time I checked, Men were suppose to be doing the catching. We are suppose to be checking out the line-up and picking the one with the highest endowment. When did a man become more precious than a beautiful woman? The potential mother of his children, keeper of the house, or whatever role she decided to take. . . When did a woman lose her value?
Maybe that is a subject for another blog, but for this blog, the focus is male and female friendships. Steve Harvey's new book, just as the other, made some really bold statements about male and female relationships. Almost to his detriment or the detriment of the entire male population, Steve Harvey proclaims that "Men and women can't be friends." Shocking?
Honestly, it wasn't that shocking. The issue is that Steve Harvey has gotten to the level of fame that people are actually listening to him. This is a problem. I'm not going to go down the list, but I will say that one of the biggest problems with this is that not all men agree with him. Is this a flaw in Harvey Logic? Or are men just trying to hide the truth about their sinister ways?
The theory behind this life changing statement is that, "men never choose to be friends with a woman". Women define the relationship and men comply, with a secret hope that one day the tables will turn into something more romantic. So basically, he's suggesting that all of my male friends are secretly plotting to be with me. I have a lot of male friends. That's strange.
With this, I decided to get answers like any normal person, who wanted to verify or disprove a social theory with out a professional license to do so. I updated my Facebook status. Just as I hypothesized, some men agreed while others did not. My final test was my male best friend. I called him and asked him, just knowing that he would disagree, and much to my dismay. . . he agreed.
He said that there is some level of attraction between male and female friends that is always there. I agreed. I think that whether you are attracted to their personality or physical appearance, there is something that makes you want to be around that person. He went on to say that the question Steve Harvey asked women to pose to their male friends, "How would you feel if I wanted to date you," also had some backing.
All in all, it was an interesting debate. I still feel like this information will break up a lot of friendships but hey. I guess that is on his hands.
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