First and Foremost, Merry Christmas to all that celebrate it and Happy Holidays to all of those who do not!
This year my mother has canceled Christmas. Extreme, I know. Everyone was a little shocked because my mother is really one of the nicest people in the world, so for her to cancel Christmas, it's kind of a big deal.
Regardless, the rationale for the cancellation of the watered-down, heavily marketed version of Christmas this year is due to my 8 year old sister. Every child has tantrums, some more so than others, but during one of my sister's "moments," my mother made a threat to my sister that would change the course of Christmas in 2010. If you haven't figured it out by now, that threat was, "If you're not going to behave, then no Christmas this year."
It seemed like my sister understood the threat, but unfortunately for all of us, she didn't care. Next thing I knew Christmas was canceled. Immediately my mother started to have second regrets, but I encouraged her that it was the right thing to do. I felt like the tantrums were to the point that she needed to make a statement and if that meant no toys, that she honestly didn't deserve in the first place; It was fine with me.
One thing that I didn't realize was that my mother meant no Christmas for everyone. In my opinion, this was a little bit of a lot, to let an 8 year old decide the fate of the entire family's happiness is a little harsh. I supported my mother's punishment for my little sister but for me? What did I do!?
My mother said that it would be a good time to go back to the basics. She said that the whole point of Christmas was about Jesus and family, and neither had anything to do with getting presents. I agreed. I mean how can you argue? And since when did you get presents for someone else's birthday? When did it become a day that we go out and pay money to get everyone we know a gift and never address that its actually a celebration of the Lord's birthday.
So, because of this, our holiday went as follows: On Christmas Eve, we went to my Aunt's place for a family holiday party, in which we had a lot of fun. We played games, ate, laughed, and took lots of pictures. On Christmas, we woke up late, hung out with family, went out to eat and that was that. Simple and to the point.
Overall, this experience confirmed a lot of what I already believed, which can be summed up in one simple phrase: "Back to the basics". I think sometimes, we go through the motions of life and forget why we do the things that we do. I don't necessarily think we did everything we should of done in this experience but it helps me to see where I would make changes.
I know this sounds crazy, but good or bad; I don't think Christmas should be celebrated by spending the money you don't have. I think that like Martin Luther King's Day is a day for service and remembering what he did to help African American's as a whole, Christmas should be a day to remember Christ. We should change it to Jesus Day, or maybe not, but regardless; On Christmas we should cherish family, God, Life, and Salvation. Not the latest game system or barbie doll, but true values.
We should be teaching our children things that they can grow up on and be good people. So, thanks Mom!
Now your future grand kids will be coming to your house for gifts, because all they're going to get at my house is great life lessons. Just kidding, but I do hope to make sure they understand the true meaning of Christmas and do things to celebrate God. They're probably going to have to, because I don't think I will be one to fill up the living room with presents, but I will try to get them something and teach them how to give.
Merry Christmas ;)
I second it. Whole reason I had a "bad" chritlstmas, no family... +Insightful+