I'm just going to forewarn you that this post is solely dedicated to the history of this blog, to give light to the name change and explain my process of how I got here, what the blog was intended to be, what it was and what I hope that it will be. So basically I'm saying, some of y'all may not give a rat's "arse" but hey. . . ::blank stare:: It's whatever.
I was one of those people that always liked writing made up stories but never really like finishing anything. When I say "anything," I mean stories, art work, craft projects, etc. Somehow, to no credit of my own, I was always able to focus on school to get the grade or work to get paid, but not things that were "self-building," just for me. I remember finishing two journals in my life, which was quite the accomplishment, but I must say that blogging for a year. . . for me. . . is a pretty big deal.
With this blog, I was so afraid that I was going to fail that I started blogging a month before the new year, just to make sure I could get a good head-start. My initial goal was to blog at least twice every month, while pursuing my "Eat.Pray.Love" journey, which I'm proud to say that I accomplished, with some amendments, of course.
My initial PURPOSE/INTENT/METHOD TO THE MADNESS for starting this blog was purely because I was lost, hence the title, "The Lost Child," and on top of that, I was waiting to be found. . . hence the sub-title "Waiting to be found." (Clever, I know-_-) To be more specific, I was in a place in my life where I felt like I was so far from the person that I wanted to be that I could no longer identify who I was. To add insult to injury, I had turned from everything that grounded me, although at the time I felt like all of it had turned on me.
The only positive I had was that I wanted to be found. Which is a plus, I feel for anyone lost. The pure desire to be found births hope, which births drive to seek that which is hoped for. One lost, without the hope of being found is simply lost.
In order to do be "found," I felt the urge to get back to the basics. My foundation: fun, faith, and love. I also felt like there was no way I would be successful unless I had an accountability partner of some sorts, hence blasting my business to the world, also known as the people that read this blog.
When I began writing, the blog was undoubtedly for me, but over time I learned that people, not only like reading it, but helped, touched or moved by what I was writing, as well. I ran into people that weren't necessarily "following" the blog, but they read every post and felt connected in some way. Prior to this, it was just a "just for me" blog, which leads me to now.
I have in no way "arrived" at the best me that this planet will ever see. At the same time, I can no longer say that I am lost (At least, not like I was), I don't know where I'm going, nor can I say that I am only writing this blog as therapy for myself. So, with that, I am the child once lost, now found, but still growing. I'm going to continue this blog as I move through my next phase of life, keeping the light on for those of us that are still trying to find our way.
And just so you know. . .we all are a little lost, or in the dark, about something (Just in case you thought your boo boo smelt like roses, or something ;p)
As always,
Eat.Pray.Love. . .Think.Happy.Thoughts. . . Live.Out.Loud. . .& Laugh.
Welcome to . . .