Dear 2011,
You are one year that brings more mixed feelings than the any of the other 23 years in my life. I don't know if this is something that you can be proud of, but it is my honest opinion that this was a "make or break" year for me. How fortunate am I that "make" ate a little more donuts than "break," tipping the scale towards the former.
You have been filled with tremendous pains and unfathomable joys, to which I am grateful for. I realize now that with out all--and I do mean ALL-- of the preparation from your predecessor (2010), I would not be where I am today.
You must of seen how depressed I was after all of what 2010 had for me. My friends argued that at some point I was unrecognizable. If only I knew what was to come in you, I would have had something to look forward to.
Very quickly, you identified yourself as a time of transition, in-between, and "not quite there yet." In many cases, I was still very attached to my pains, restrictions, and weights from 2010. In you, I realized from day 1 that something had to give. Things, people, and places that seemed out of order were beginning to take a toll on me. I knew that by the time you were away from me, everything must be in its place. I was fighting for me.
As I say my good-byes, I am happy to say that I made it. Not just my body, but the me that was caged in 2009, trapped in 2010, and fought through 2011 has risen victorious for 2012. The strong me. The joyful me. The God-filled me. As I say good-bye to all the things that will be left in you, I thank God for the opportunity to redeem what was lost and carry over what was given.
I thank God for all the lessons learned in 2011. I pray that I can give back in 2012.
A Child Once Lost, Now Found.
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