Recently, I feel like I have been going through THE MOST in my life. In the past week or so, I have done everything from missed deadlines to purchasing non-refundable plane tickets to Boston on the wrong day and quite honestly, I have lost most of the drive to even try to build up hope.
It's hard to wake up one morning and find yourself incapable of doing the things that you were always good at. It's like the twilight zone. I am usually doing the things I need to do well. I'm accustomed to being someone that others look up to, but in the span of 7 days, I no longer feel capable of anything but failure.
Whether rational or not, this is where I am, which is unfortunate because as a child you are told "it's okay" and "things will get better," but as an adult people see the result is a direct reaction to what you put into it.
And then life happens.
One of the sweetest, most kind and adorable families I know, gave birth to a new addition. Wonderful, perfect, but not without a catch; Little Caden was born with some heart complications. Sadness, shock, and frustration were all of the emotions I image would go through any mother or father's mind at this time, but they were and are still very brave.
As I watched them have faith in their lives, I made attempts to have faith in my own but still unsuccessfully. I prayed for them and the same things that I believe for them, seemed to taper off in my belief for myself. I don't understand why it can be so easy to pray and have faith on behalf of someone you love, but yet so difficult to save yourself.
In any light, this morning I found myself crying about another "mistake" and once I gained my composure I decided to check on Caden. So I went to facebook to link to my friend's blog and the story that she wrote became the new source for my tears.
In describing one of the most scary, stressful, and faith-challenging scenarios of her life, this mother begins to see the scary tubes and computers attached to her newborn as the things God is using to keep her child alive. Where most of us would wish they were never there in the first place, as I'm sure she has, she blew my mind with the faith that God exists here too. God can be doing something good in the middle of our challenges.
So, I'm writing to say that it's the little things that count. I would not and could not compare my recent struggles to those of my friend's but God is ministering through her testimony and I'm thankful. I'm praying for her but I'm also praying that God's message is loud and clear. He is a healer, provider, comforter, and ultimately, He acts in our best interest. So keep the faith and pay attention to the moments that change our lives.
To learn more about Caden, visit her blog at : http://thestanleyclan.blogspot.com/2011/08/cadens-heart.html.