AH HA! So. . . I have finally found the information to prove that men have periods too! My female friends and I have heard rumors about this for years, but now there are people talking about it. People are just now discovering what my friends and I knew all along. Men go through menstrual cycles.
Yes. I don't care that there hasn't been a whole lot of research on the topic, I just care that at least a handful of people in the world agree with me. . .and that's all that matters. I think it's odd that women have had to take the heat for being "overly emotional" during a certain time of the month when men have these same cycles, just with out the bloating and cramps. So, what's their excuse!?
What are the signs of Male Menstruation? According to Tim Bloucher there are 5 cycles.
The first cycle is the most common: Sexual Desire. Apparently this fluctuates 3-4 times an hour. This is because men have a release of testosterone once every 15 minutes, in which women have more of a steady process that ends in a period.
The second cycle (Big Surprise) is also related to sex and adds the increased desire of sex in the morning. . . which as far as I know: All women don't have.
The third cycle is the emotional out pour. . . in which I would refer to as the male period. After the hormone rush, men experience a testosterone deficiency in which they have a lower ratio of testosterone to estrogen. This is where the "fits" come in. This can be where he is overly depressed, angry, conversational, or any other thing that men complain women do during their periods.
The fifth cycle. . . yearly sensitivity. Apparently, men have their highest levels of testosterone in the fall and the lowest in the spring. I find this a little hard to believe with the way they act when the skirts come out but apparently this could be true. This is where summer love comes from. . . lol.
So, as humorous as this is ladies. . . Please don't feel bad when you think your man is a little more emotional than usual. He's just menstruating. He'll get over it shortly and be back to his normal, emotion-less self, in no time. ;)
{Please, research more about this before talking to someone. . . I have no idea what I'm talking about}
References: http://dunderbrain.wordpress.com/2009/01/24/the-male-hormonal-cycle/ & http://bouchersblog.blogspot.com/.
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