"The Spirit is Love expressed towards man as redeeming love, and the Spirit is truth, and the Spirit is the Holy Spirit. Redemption is inconceivable without truth and holiness." Roland Allen
Redemption is something that everyone wants to receive but no one wants to give. A paradox in the sense that, if no one gives it . . .how can it ever exist in reality? Redemption is something that is found to be rare and at a great cost, but is that to the cost of the redeemer or the redeemed.
In my life, the hardest things or people for me to forgive are those that have "sinned" against me, yet I have no relationship with. Things that affect my inner most core, like my heart or spirit, hurt me deeply, but depending upon how I feel for someone, redemption is a lot more achievable. Is this how God feels about us?
What was the purpose of the life and death of Christ, if not to symbolize one of God's greatest gifts. . . Redemption. Whether by relationship, or the possibility of one, is redemption granted on the basis of relationship? Or is the idea of redemption or mercy for someone you have no relationship with even greater? I think God considered both, yet redemption comes with the acknowledgment that wrong has been done, grace has been given, and all things are washed away. To christian, this is through Christ.
Just to give a little background, this weekend I was doing a lot of Facebook stalking and I "happened" on to some pages of people that have or still have hard feelings for me or vice versa, you know. . . just to see how things were.
::Long AWKWARD pause, accompanied with a stare::
Anyways, I was looking at people's pages and seeing how things in their lives have changed and continued on long after ME. I then began to think about how they have come to grips with whatever animosity, that was once so prevalent and is now seemingly non-existent, they had or still have. It's hard to have a desire to make amends when your not sure if it's even still necessary to make. Let alone, considering whether this person is "relevant" enough to go through the emotions that come with forgiveness.
Redemption in my life is translating into forgiving those who have wronged or hurt me, apologizing to those I have wronged or hurt, and letting go of the people or situations that just ended with little to no understanding at all. . .in the spirit of forgiveness.
I think whether I've had a deep relationship with another human being or not. . .Redemption is necessary, as long as Christ died on the basis that we ALL could be free from our transgressions. So I choose to walk in that freedom and grant others the opportunity to walk in that freedom as well. Let God do what he does and change the hearts of man, while you love like Christ loved and show the world it's worth it.
Redemption starts in the heart. Your heart. Meaning with you. Whether you are the redeemed or the redeemer. . . it starts with you.
::Hops of stand and skips away freely::
Live.{Walk.in.Love}.Happy. ;)