The other day, I was strongly considering hiding inside of myself, which is my introverted technique to running away. I was thinking that I would go so far inside of myself, I would get lost and then no one would be able to find me. I thought that losing myself would hurt everyone, which at the time, seemed like a great plan. I guess I just really wanted someone to feel how I felt in that moment.
While sitting on the toilet (also known as my angry place. . . don't you dare judge me), I was thinking of how cold I could be. It's actually a little narcissistic, like who thinks they are going to punish the world by removing themselves mentally? I guess I do.
As I sat there, it suddenly dawned on me that Life didn't wait for me to have my little "burn everything" moments. Although, I'm all in favor for a few of those, I have to recognize that it doesn't wait for me to lose myself, find myself, or do anything for that matter. What we choose to do in every moment gives our lives value or takes it away.
With every angry conspiring thought, breath, and twisted facial expression, Life left me behind. I sat and I looked around the bathroom and realized that I could be spending my time doing so many other things right now. I could be laughing right now, or even better eating and yet, I'm in the bathroom, wasting time being angry, as Life waved and kept it rolling.
I don't want to have to catch up. I also don't want to waste time plotting on being unhappy or making other people unhappy. I want to spend my time wisely.
I remember when I finally met my husband after several unsuccessful attempts at dating and I told God that I didn't want any more "almost's." I told God that the only man I wanted to deal with was "THE man," and not only that but I need some divine revelation a.k.a "proof". Much like this moment, I realized that my time was precious and I needed to make the best of every moment. I needed to understand that Life does not wait and position, mind set, and diligence can be everything in moments of difficulty.
This was just my little reminder to keep pressing. Joy is something that comes from a deeper understanding, not emotions or circumstances. Peace is something that you invite into your heart and treasure. Wisdom is something you pray to find and fight to keep. Life is just so much better when you spend every moment like it is the most important thing in the world to you.
Live. Laugh. Love. . .