"Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Coming Out: Joy, Progress, & 2013

Photography by Eternal Love

In December of 2010, The Lost Child: Waiting to be Found blog was birthed out of my uncertainty in my ability to continue a blog longer than two posts. I wanted to embark upon a self-proclaimed journey of self-discovery in 2011, which would consist of posting several blog posts in each month of the year. For me, it was scary to start something that I wasn't sure that I could finish. Yet, I managed to not only complete my task but go well beyond it.

As 2011 came to a close, I felt there was no more need for my blog. At least, not as it was. It's hard to continue talking about how lost and angry you are, when you are no longer lost nor angry. Through my journey of self-discovery I really seemed to find myself. In addition, I found God, Joy, Peace. . . and A MAN! (I really hope you guys can imagine the exaggerated southern accent that came in on the last part of that sentence.)

With that being said, the blog name was changed to The Child Once Lost. This was a big statement for my life because in retrospect, I've always felt lost. The year of 2012 was filled with certainty, understanding, and purpose. In summary, it was something new and that something new was awesome. All of this brings me to today, the day I am choosing to "come out"as a blogger, so-to-speak. Confused? I'd imagine. Let me explain. 

When I began this blog I wanted to remain as anonymous as possible to shield myself from all of the social harms of blogging, such as judgement, questions, black mail, etc. (I'm totally not paranoid.) To accomplish this task, I did several things. One thing was that I posted all of my blogs through an alias, which led most people to have challenges remembering my full name but allowed for my name not to be directly attached to this blog. In addition, I removed personal identifiers and created a very general profile. I also refrained from using personal pictures or names in any of my posts. All-in-all, I didn't want to just be completely out there. 

A month or two ago, one of my friends commented on one of my blogs and shared how different my posts were from the beginning of my blog to now. She shared that I changed a lot and she was happy for me. She ended the comment by stated that she, herself, was still lost. Her comment changed my perspective on my need to stay private. It made me think that sometimes transparency is necessary, in order to help others. 

The other side to this is that I'm happy. Genuinely happy. I'm proud of the progress and excited for the future. I hope that my story helps someone else. In all honesty, it still helps me. 

So, again, I welcome you to my blog.

T. Lamb

Love. Laugh. Live

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