There comes a point in a young girl's life, or should I said a SMART (Yet, Anxious) young girl's life, when she begins to connect the present with the future in efforts to prepare for forever. This is usually when she has or has not reached most of her goals in life and is now setting dead lines for marriage, giving her current boyfriend the critical side glance, evaluating her past to understand her present, and making drastic changes to compensate or patting herself on the back for a job well done. This is a process I would like to call your "Admittance to Womanhood."
As a child, I worried A LOT. . . but my plans, desires, and actions were very centered on, what I would consider now, a short time-span. Whether it was a year to four years, my idea of thinking ahead extended as far as my graduation dates, or maybe the newest school application. Once that was no longer a concern, it was worrying about a job to cover my expenses but when that was taken care of I was presented with a whole other bag of concerns.
Now, being at the end of my early twenties, tip-toeing into the dark abyss of the elderly (I kid, I kid ;p), I realize my thoughts are now racing to places I've never considered giving half a fart of a thought to. (You are very welcome for that visual ;p)
As always, I found that I am not the only 23 year old woman thinking that if I don't figure out how to work excise into my regiment, I'm committing myself to love handles in fifteen years. . . OR that if my current interest doesn't have good eating habits, I will be giving him sponge baths when he's 50.
Call me dramatic if you want to, generation X. . . Y. . . Z, whatever, is learning from the last generations mistakes. We are trying so hard not to be our mothers, we have worries that married women with children don't usually develop until they actually have the kids and husband. Which is not necessarily the best way, BUT it happens.
A few weeks ago, my 19-year-old male cousin asked me if it was fair for a girl to break up with a guy because he isn't fitting into her plan. My answer, as sensitive as I could muster at the time was "HELL YEA." If a woman has a five year plan for marriage and the guy she's with says he never wants to get married, he just granted her a one ticket to freedom or a round trip ticket to blaming herself in five years, if it doesn't work out.
Of course this doesn't mean, just because a guy says he never wants to get married that he won't. It just means that if you take the risk and what he originally told you was the truth, you will be five years older with a five year extension on your plan. . . for something you were technically already told. Not fun.
My cousin argued that things change and I argued that women get to a point where they realize, waiting on superman is not just the failure of America's education system; This is the point we turn Cinderella off and look at the numbers. As men will sometime grow more appealing with age women face changes way earlier, so why waste time? Is it fair no. . . but its not about the thought it's the change in thought process. Innately, we begin to think like it's important for us to survive.
This issue doesn't begin nor end with marriage though, women start to assess career choices, eating habits, family relationships and friendships during this time. . . and for every subject we project how its going to look in at least 10 years.
All I can say, is that no one can understand these issues like a woman. So when you hit this point in life, if you haven't already round up the girls. . . and hash it out!